Homebuilders should familiarize themselves with the types of permits and how to obtain them. Development and building permits are briefly explained below. New home builders going through the New House Permitting Checklist may be overwhelmed by the length and amount of supporting documents required by The City of Edmonton.
Development Permits
Think of development permits as a “what” are you doing? This permit ensures your build meets the requirements for the specific area you are building in. Edmonton has 14 unique residential zoning requirements that must be considered. Home builders should seek services of a registered Alberta Land Surveyor and Architect during this stage to help prepare the supporting documents needed. Note that this permit does not grant approval for construction; the builder will require a building permit to begin construction.
Building Permits
The building permit serves the “how” are you going to do it role. A development permit must be approved prior to applying for a building permit, however, a builder will often gather the required documents for this stage along with the development permit requirements. The supporting documents required for this stage requires the services of a structural or civil engineer along with documentation/letters from chosen suppliers. This permit ensures the safety of the build and that proper building codes are followed. The City review and approval process takes between 3-7 weeks depending on the time of year.